It is very important to take roofing projects seriously because your roof is what covers your home! Unfortunately, there are many things that can go wrong with roofing projects if you do not hire an experienced company to do the job. One of the main issues that homeowners have with their roofs after a project is that the shingles detach from high winds. Here at Elite Style Constructions, we explain exactly why nailing down shingles is so important and how companies should do it properly so that there are no issues with your roof in the future. Many homeowners do not understand that there are specific protocols when it comes to nailing down shingles that make all of the difference in the long run. We have witnessed homeowners spend a lot of money on warranties and repairs, all because of a poor nailing job on their roofs. We do not want this to happen to you, which is why we tell you all about nailing shingles, so you know what signs to look for. 


Details About Roof Shingle Nailing

You probably want to know more details about the importance of nailing shingles down. There are many aspects of roofing projects that we want you, as a homeowner, to be aware of the next time you hire a roofing company. One reason nailing shingles down properly is so important is because you are paying your roofers to work based on how many square feet they fix. This means that if the job is not done well, you are paying just as much money for a poor job that you will likely have to fix again soon. Another reason nailing is important is that roofers are supposed to undergo a lot of training over the years so they become skilled and so your roof does not have to be fixed again soon. However, if your roofers are not well-trained, this means that your shingles will have a higher chance of falling off, and your roof was probably not taken care of well as a whole. Another main reason nailing is important is because homeowners spend a lot of money on warranties for high winds that they would not need if the roofing company they hired in the first place was reliable. 


Proper Nailing 

We do not just want to tell you how nailing can go wrong; we want to tell you how it should go right as well! First, roofing companies should have instructions for nailing shingles on every roof they work on because every roof is different. Second, the shingles are marked based on how they should be nailed. Third, your roofing company should have a certification that proves that they have nail training. Fourth, your city should have inspected your company’s work beforehand. 


We Can Nail Your Shingles 

Now that you know the importance of nailing shingles and how to do it properly, we can feel confident saying that we can nail your shingles down well! With our work, your shingles will remain fully intact, so you will not have any repairs or warranties to pay for due to high winds. We believe that the job should be done right the first time. 


Contact Us 

Elite Style Constructions are professionals who want your shingles to be nailed down perfectly! That is why we provide information about the importance of nailing shingles and how so many roofers do not do it well. Call or visit us today for more information about nailing and roofing projects in general.